Background and Overview

The Boston Public Schools is committed to providing every child in every classroom an equitable, world-class, high-quality education with the same unfettered access to every conceivable resource to unlock the greatness within them. As part of an equitable Multi-tiered System of Supports that advances students’ learning and outcomes, The Office of Social Work serves BPS students and families by supporting school-based Social Workers across the district with providing high-quality, culturally responsive direct services.

The Office of Social Work supports social workers with consultation, professional development, and crisis response. Through a regional support model, all school-based social workers receive support from a District Social Worker in addition to the Program Director of Social Work. The Office of Social Work aims to provide high-quality culturally and linguistically relevant mental health support in all BPS schools.

Position Summary and General Responsibilities:
Boston Public Schools seeks an exceptional School Based Social Worker who is highly qualified and knowledgeable to support the implementation of a variety of behavioral health supports that include trauma response and recovery, healing, and resiliency-focused school social work services that support students and educators to create conditions wherein students may achieve their full potential academically, socially, and emotionally.

The Social Worker, in partnership with the other BPS providers and outside mental health partners will support school communities by supporting with:

Through a lead role in the Student Success Team (SST) and other leadership bodies within the school, and working in close collaboration with other school-based teams, Social Workers:

The Social Worker will attend professional development and receive coaching and feedback from the team of District Social Workers, Program Director of Social Work, and Director of Student Support to ensure continuous improvement of service delivery and compliance with district protocols, policies, and professional standards of practice.

Reports to: School Leader (with secondary evaluation from the Program Director of Social Work)


Student Success Team:

Professional Learning:

Direct Service:


Core Competencies:
Using the Rubric of Specialized Instructional Support Personnel (SISP), the Office of Human Capital has identified priority skills and abilities that all BPS SISP should demonstrate.

Accountability for Student Achievement
(II-A-1 Quality of Effort and Work, II-D-2 High Expectations, I B-2 Adjustments to Practice)

Communicating Professional Knowledge
(I-A-1 Professional Knowledge, I-A-2 Child Adolescent Development, I-A-3 Plan Development)

Equitable & Effective Instruction
(II-A-3 Meeting Diverse Needs, II-A-2. Student Engagement, II-B-1. Safe Learning Environment,
II-B-2 Collaborative Learning Environment, I-D-3 Access to Knowledge)


Cultural Proficiency
(II-C-1. Respects Differences, II-C-2. Maintains a Respectful Environment)

Parent/Family Engagement
(III-A-1. Parent/Family Engagement, III-B-2. Collaboration)

Professional Reflection & Collaboration
(IV-A-1. Reflective Practice, IV-C-1. Professional Collaboration, IV-C-2. Consultation)

Qualifications - Required:

Qualifications - Preferred:


Terms: BTU Group 1

Please refer to (under "Employee Benefits and Policies") for more information on salary and compensation. Salaries are listed by Unions and Grade/Step.


The start and end times of BPS schools vary, as do the lengths of the school day. Some BPS schools have a longer school day through the "Schedule A" Expanded Learning Time (ELT) agreement. 


The Boston Public Schools, in accordance with its nondiscrimination policies, does not discriminate in its programs, facilities, or employment or educational opportunities on the basis of race, color, age, criminal record (inquiries only), disability, homelessness, sex/gender, gender identity, religion, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, genetics or military status, and does not tolerate any form of retaliation, or bias-based intimidation, threat or harassment that demeans individuals’ dignity or interferes with their ability to learn or work.